Get To The Water DAY™
Good Clean Fun!
Observance Day - 3rd Saturday of July - July 20, 2019
Our Cause, Our Mission
To raise public awareness about the importance we can collectively make by being conscientious of cleaning up the areas or water that we visit.
To organize hundreds of thousands of people nationwide to follow and promote this great National Holiday and what it represents. In doing so, we can transform our beaches, lakes, rivers, bayous, and streams into clean beautiful areas that we can all enjoy. As the cause grows in popularity, we envision thousands of cleanup groups nationwide that organizes millions of people to clean up waters in their communities.
Please get involved and SUPPORT THE CAUSE.
What is Get To The Water DAY?
Get To The Water Day is a national holiday that promotes good clean fun with family and friends! Support the cause and buy a t-shirt. All profits go to clean up efforts.
What’s Good Clean Fun?
It’s simple! Get to the water and while you’re visiting, pick up trash wherever you see it. If you visit the beach, lake or river, simply pick up trash in the area.
It is estimated 100 million people visit beaches, lakes, and rivers each year. If each person picked up only 1lb of trash while visiting these beautiful waters, we would collectively clear 100 million pounds of trash each year.
By simply making everyone aware of this day, it could transform our waters and teach all of us to do this every day when we visit the water, not just on Get To The Water Day. Parents can also teach their kids to have good clean fun! It’s a win, win for everyone and the environment.
Organize a Get To The Water DAY group

Another way to support the cause on a larger scale is by organizing a Get To The Water DAY group to clean up lakes, rivers, beaches, or even a small stream in your community. If you organize over 100 people, please contact us or leave a comment below and we will assist in purchasing cleanup items for your group. Also, please request your group members to support the cause and purchase a Get To The Water DAY t-shirt. All profits go to clean up efforts.
Get your high school and college involved
We are encouraging high school and college students to get involved and organize Get To The Water DAY groups in your area. The high school and college that organizes the largest group will receive FREE Get To The Water T-shirts, of their choice, for their swim team!
Any other organization that would like to get involved is welcome to contact us to see how we can work together to promote this cause.
Please Support the Cause - Buy a t-shirt!
We have unisex sizes from small to XXL and kids t-shirts too! All profits go to clean up efforts. Make sure to wear them on Get To The Water DAY! (July 20th, 2019)
Join Our Group on Facebook
Make sure to join our Facebook group and share it with others. The group is opened to the public. We encourage you to post ideas and pictures of you wearing your Get To The Water Day t-shirt! Also, make sure to share with all your friend to help spread the word of this national holiday!
Founder of Get To The Water DAY™ - Good Clean Fun
I created Get To The Water DAY to promote fun times while doing something awesome for the environment! I was taught to do this by my parents at an early age. Each time we visited the beaches in Galveston, Texas my parents would pick up any trash that was around us on the beach. They never told us to do it but by observing them, my 3 brothers and I began picking up trash each time we saw some on the beach. As I grew older and visited the beach with my friends, I would pick up trash while we threw a frisbee or fished. My friends would sometimes ask, “What are you doing?” and I would simply reply, “I’m picking up trash. I always pick up trash when I visit the beach”. Without asking them to do it, I noticed they too began picking up trash. After that, each time we visited the beach we would all pick up trash subconsciously without even talking about it. I think that happened to my brothers and I as kids and my friends later on in life, because deep within us all we know we are part of nature and want to do what’s best for nature. Unfortunately, many people are not taught to do something so simple yet profoundly powerful for our environment. If everyone did this simple rewarding task on Get To The Water Day, we would see a dramatic difference in our beaches, lakes, and rivers. In addition, it would encourage others watching us pick up trash to begin doing the same. Over time, we could make this great cause an everyday event while visiting our beautiful waters!
Get To The Water and have some Good Clean Fun!
Charles Mazzini
CEO & President of Fun
Get To The Water
This is what it's all about!
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